Sunday, May 22, 2016

Currently In A Recession Period - Have I Hit The Trough and How Soon Will Recovery Come?

When it comes to going out, I always operate on a cycle.  There will be times when I'm just hitting it hard going out, for months on end, whether it be at a popular mainstream bar or club at night or some place like the mall or Starbucks during the day.  Then there will be times where while I don't completely lock myself away, I will experience this huge lull and undesire to go out and would rather read, type, just casually hang out at Starbucks yet not talk to anyone, or stay in over the weekend and watch movies or even go to the theater (something I only do a few times a year these days).  Usually peaks and lulls are triggered by events, whether it be traveling, going on a bootcamp, how often I have to work, or just a simple epiphany.  Even online dating, something I've been actively involved in, goes with this cycle.  

As the title suggests, I am in a lull period right now. 

The crazy thing is peak and lull periods happen when I least expect them.  Something that I would think would springboard me actually brings me down, or vise versa.  The last peak/lull I experienced, for example, happened from the second half of July up to the first half of October of last year.  What happened was I was going out regularly, even going to summer pool parties.  At the time, I was actively following RSD and listening to what they were saying, and I was excited to have a former RSD assistant instructor who has ties with all the big names live with me for a few months and show me how to 'game like a pro'.  While it was all good fun, unfortunately things didn't turn out how I expected.  Long story short, I became too dependent on him for success and he had his own things going on to the point where he himself didn't go out all that much.  What I thought would have been a springboard turned out to be a huge weight into a hole.  It got to a point where all I wanted to do was read and watch episodes of Dragonball Z.  Even going to dance socials at that time was not consistent and happened only every now and then.  

The moment I finally got out of the lull of last year was when I did go on my first RSD bootcamp in NYC in October.  After the program, I experienced that bootcamp high everyone talks about and I started going out all the time again after.  What really springboarded me after that was when I got into Good Looking Loser and did the approach anxiety program there, which overall I had a lot of fun with.  I also moved closer to where the action is in Tampa to fix my logistics.  Best of all, I had the five day Model Season Bootcamp with RSD coming up and I was all prepared for that.  After this bootcamp, I would have springboarded so high I could reach the moon.  There's no way I would regress ever again, let alone go into another lull...right?

Well, the Model Season Bootcamp was the beginning of the end.  I was really shocked that afterwards things would just come crashing down when the exact opposite happened.  First of all, the bootcamp was in South Beach in Miami.  That alone made things miserable.  Furthermore, I had a hard time enduring three days in the previous bootcamp, and I was about to endure five.  Well, I should have been well prepared to handle what the instructors would throw at me.  I felt comfortable and confident the first night since I had high momentum and was ready to go.  I may talk about my Miami RSD bootcamp in much greater detail on a later date since it wasn't too long ago and title it something along the lines of "The End of RSD for Me", but to sum it up, it was just negative reference experience after negative reference experience after negative reference experience.  On this bootcamp, like all other RSD bootcamps from what I understand, the instructor uses his elbow to point towards a girl or group he wants you to open, and you better be in set the whole time.  They don't even let you drink alcohol on bootcamp (which in a way is a good thing since alcohol can be super expensive at some of these venues).  If you're paying $2,000 to $3,000 for a bootcamp, I think there should be much more involved than going to some venue you may or may not even like and have the instructor just throw you into sets the whole time and tell you to plow through interactions and just ramble a bunch of bullshit hoping that the girl will cave somehow and latch onto you.  But that's beside the point.  The worst thing was after all that, I still hadn't learned my lesson.  I felt that I did better on that bootcamp compared to the last one, so I felt I should do a week of Vegas Immersion.  I even paid the $200 deposit for a week, but after recent events I decided to just cut my losses because I never want to go on a bootcamp ever again.

The bad reference experiences didn't stop at the end of the bootcamp.  I was doing the bootcamp while doing the later exercises from the AA program at GLL, which are some of the most outlandish and ridiculous things ever (e.g. going around telling random girls that they're sexy and seeing how they react).  There were instances where I almost got thrown out of venues, almost got into fights, and almost had girls call the cops on me - okay it didn't get that bad, but I felt I was teetering on a level where I was about to get into serious trouble.  

Other events outside of pickup triggered the recent lull.  Nothing bad, but I started getting more involved with working out and becoming more involved with running a business and doing personal development.  I wanted to focus on the working out and get in super shape.  That included cutting out alcohol.

What really changed things for me however was when I started reading Aaron Sleazy's material.  For the past several years, he has exposed the pickup industry for the sham that it is.  I wouldn't have believed it had I not experienced it myself, and I believe what he says is true because the evidence is clear and present.  I think that's what motivated me to start writing in this blog more frequently, but it has also led to regrets about how stupid I was to waste a whole lot of time and money on doing pickup when all I needed to do was just get in shape and stick with the right venues.

How long this lull period will last is up in the air, but I'm confident it will not last.  There will come a time where I just say 'fuck it' and just start going out again.  Maybe not five days a week like the typical PUA tells you to do, but at least on the weekend.  Right now I think I'm trying to avoid alcohol consumption, which is very difficult when going to these venues especially on the weekend.  There's also the possibility that I might be moving in the near future out of Tampa seeing how one-sided it has become with all the venues catering to sports fans.  

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